Ру Ўз O'z En


07 December 2022

State Assets Management Agency built and put into operation a new kindergarten in Kokdala district

In Kokdala district of Kashkadarya region the state pre-school educational institution (hereinafter - Kindergarten) for 120 places was built and put into operation with the sponsorship of the State Assets Management Agency.

On 2 December of current year, the opening ceremony of kindergarten No.12 was held with participation of the khokim of Kokdala district Kh.Juraev, Deputy Director of the State Assets Management Agency A.Miraliev, as well as regional aksakals and activists.

For the construction and equipping of the kindergarten was selected as the customer EC "Service of single customer" of the Kashkadarya region administration , the project organization - LLC "Karshitadqiqotkonstruktsiya", the contracting organization - PE "Mamatov Salohiddin".

Construction of the kindergarten was carried out at the expense of additional income received from the sale of state assets at a higher price than their initial appraised value. The total cost of the project is 6.0 billion UZS. In accordance with the decree № 273 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated May 30, 2022 these funds for construction and equipment of the project were transferred by the State Assets Management Agency to the appropriate bank account of the Kokdala district administration.

It should be noted that at the initiative of the State Assets Management Agency a modern solar power station with a capacity of 10 kWh was built in the kindergarten building, which will regularly and continuously provide the facility with electricity.

At the moment, Kindergarten No.12 has a permanent staff of 28 employees, who have started teaching 120 preschool children.

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