Ру Ўз O'z En


17 November 2021

Appointment: Head of information and PR service - press secretary of the State Assets Management Agency

In accordance with the relevant Order of the director of UzSAMA, Safoev Olimjon Kalandarovich was appointed as the head of the information and PR service of the State Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Previously O. Safoev was editor-in-chief of news programs editorial office "Axborot", editor-in-chief of "Uzbekistan tarixi" (Uzbekistan history) TV channel "Uzbekistan", editor-in-chief of "Film, video production and dubbing" TV channel "Madaniyat va ma'rifat".

Contact of the information service: +998(71) 259-22-50 / 20-90 / 20-72

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