Ру Ўз O'z En


03 January 2022

ANNOUNCEMENT on trade processes in state assets

In accordance with the relevant decision of the State Tender Commission, as a result of the selection process (qualification) of the proposals received from applicants for "Chorvok Oromgohi" recreation center and buildings and constructures of "Chotkol Oromgohi" recreation center there were not enough proposals to continue the sale process and in order to conduct the sale process in a transparent and equally competitive environment, it is announced that the deadline for proposal submission from the applicants for thess state assets has been extended until January 14, 2022 at 18:00 (Tashkent time).

Proposals are accpeted through the electronic trading platform “E-auksion” ("Chorvok Oromgohi","Chotkol Oromgohi").

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