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23 February 2020

Foreign experts' opinion: the new Law "On Privatization of State Property"

Link to watch on YouTube


My name is Mathias Nehm, I'm the director of Indecon Consulting, a consulting firm based in Berlin, Germany.

About the law:

The new Law seems to me to be very comprehensive, perhaps too detailed in some aspects.

I think it provides the necessary legal certainty for both the seller and the buyer. I think that with the new Law, both domestic and foreign investors will increasingly participate in privatisation opportunities.

At this point, I would like to highlight some aspects of the Law that are of particular importance to me:

  1. Transparency:

The new Law requires extensive transparency for all aspects and phases of the privatisation process. This will prevent corruption and build investor confidence.

  1. Centralisation of the process in a single authority:

The Law provides for the privatisation process to be centralised in a single authority with clearly defined rights and obligations. This allows privatisation to be carried out with a high degree of transparency.

  1. Decentralisation of the privatisation of republican and municipal property.
  2. Valuation by external experts:

The Law provides for separating the responsibility for the implementation of the privatisation process from the valuation of the state property to be privatised.

  1. Privatisation procedures:

The Law provides for several privatisation procedures that can be applied depending on the type and condition of the state assets to be privatised. This increases the chances of success.

  1. Buyer requirements:

The requirements for the buyer set out in Chapter 6 of the Law are an important prerequisite for a sustainable privatisation.

  1. Contractual Provisions.
  2. Non-fulfilment or untimely fulfilment of obligations:

In my view, this provision represents an important reversal of previous positions and has been repeatedly emphasised by us in our consultations. The new regulation puts the emphasis on the initiation of a negotiation procedure in the event of the buyer's failure to comply with the terms of the contract.

I wish you every success in implementing the new Law and in the upcoming privatisation.

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