Ру Ўз O'z En


12 December 2022

Information on the privatization of 100 percent state shares in the authorized capital of the JSCB "Uzagroexportbank"

As it was informed earlier, according to the results of a public open tender based on competition, as well as with the support of the international consulting company Grant Thornton, attracted as a consultant on privatization, an agreement on the sale of 100% state shares in the authorized capital of JSCB "Uzagroexportbank" in the amount of 4.0 million USD was reached between the State Assets Management Agency and Sovcombank PJSC (Russian Federation) and on February 23 this year, an Agreement on the Purchase and Sale of this state shares was signed.

However, based on the appeal of Sovcombank PJSC about the impracticability of the transaction, this Agreement was terminated on September 27 this year by mutual consent of the parties.

In this regard, the relevant decision was made by the State Commission for Conducting tenders for the sale of state property.

Information Service of
State Asset Management Agency



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