Ру Ўз O'z En


09 November 2021

"Elektrkimyozavod" JV JSC announced a general meeting of shareholders

According to the relevant notification of "Elektrkimyozavod" JV JSC dated November 1, 2021, the general meeting of shareholders will be held on November 22 this year with the following agenda:

  1. Approval of the counting commission and the shareholders general meeting Regulation;
  2. Transfer of the territory of "Elektrkimyozavod" JV JSC that is not used to the balance of the Khokimiyat of Navoi by reducing the state share in the authorized capital of the company, and in case of insufficient state share, by reducing the existing tax debt.

For information:

The share of UZSAMA in the authorized capital of the company is 30.88%.

Production of plant protection chemicals and mineral fertilizers is the main activity of the company.

The general meeting of the company is held in accordance with the decision of the supervisory board meeting on october 30, 2021.


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