Ру Ўз O'z En


01 February 2023

State Assets Management Agency announces the results of the test conducted on January 19 of this year

According to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from September 12, 2019 № 765 "On measures to organize the activities of court administrators", also the Regulation on the procedure for certification (re-certification) of court administrators and issuing qualification certificates, the State Assets Management Agency organized certification tests for court administrators on January 19 of this year.

For participation in the certification tests, which lasted 60 minutes and included 50 questions, 20 applicants for the qualification certificate applied. Out of all applicants 1 did not attend the testing, 11 applicants successfully passed it, and 8 applicants were not able to pass.

The list of successfully passed qualification tests can be found below:

1. Bakirov Oybek Azadbekovich

  • Andijan region
  • Correct answers (in percent) - 52

2. Teshaboyev Khusanboy Toshpulatovich

  • Andijan region
  • Correct answers (in percent) - 80

3. Jurayev Bakhtiyor Narziyevich

  • Bukhara region
  • Correct answers (in percent) 68

4. Rakhmanov Isomiddin Kholmuratovich

  • Kashkadarya region
  • Correct answers (in percent) - 60

5. Kurbonov Suyun Oralovich

  • Kashkadarya region
  • Correct answers (in percent) - 84

6. Egamberdiyev Yakub

  • Kashkadarya region
  • Correct answers (in percent) - 54

7. Alimov Askar Tolibjonovich

  • Tashkent city
  • Correct answers (in percent) - 56

8. Jonkobilov Botir Berdiyorovich

  • Tashkent city
  • Correct answers (in percent) 52

9. Ismailov Isak Baykabilovich

  • Tashkent city
  • Correct answers (in percent) - 96

10. Eshnazarov Muradullo Kushnazarovich

  • Tashkent city
  • Correct answers (in percent) - 60

11. Nurullаev Bekhzodillа Shаvkаtovich

  • Tashkent city
  • Correct answers (in percent) - 76
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