Ру Ўз O'z En


25 May 2022

The State Assets Management Agency announces the assigning of categories to appraisers

In order to assign a category to appraisers according to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 24, 2019 "On approval of the administrative regulations of public services to assign categories to appraisers" No. 799, you can submit an application to the State Assets Management Agency with the following documents:

  • extract from the employment record certified by an appraisal organization or an extract from the "Electronic Employment Record" system;
  • register of appraisal reports certified by the appraisal organization in which the applicant works;
  • register of expert opinions on appraisal reports, approved by the appraisal organization where the applicant works;
  • copy of the appraiser's qualification certificate;
  • a document certifying the payment of a fee for the review of documents for the assignment of the category, in the amount of one basic calculation value.

The applicant may, at their discretion, submit the following documents with additional information about their professional performance:

  • copy of the certificate of membership in professional public associations in the field of appraisal activities;
  • information on the development of proposals for amendments and additions to property appraisal standards on a proactive basis;
  • information on participation in the development of new standards and amendments and additions to existing property appraisal standards;
  • copies of publications on valuation activities in the media, screenshots of websites, etc.;
  • materials of conferences, seminars, round tables and other events on appraisal activities, in which he participated or spoke;
  • сopies of certificates of advanced training courses in the field of appraisal activities in foreign training centers;
  • copies of certificates of participation in appraisal conferences abroad;
  • copies of international certificates in the field of appraisal activities (RICS, TEGoVA, Appraisal Institute, ISO 17024, etc.) and documents confirming the validity of certificates on the date of application (confirmed by the organization that issued the certificate, or a screenshot from its website);
  • a certificate from educational institutions about the teaching of disciplines on appraisal activities.


The applicant may, at their discretion, submit other documents describing their professional activities.

Contact phones for information: (0 371) 259-22-87, 259-20-19

Address: Tashkent city, Mirabad district, A.Temur avenue 6

Official website: www.davaktiv.uz, www.davbaho.uz

E-mail address: license@davaktiv.uz

Copies of the application and attached documents may be submitted electronically. The applicant must provide an email address in the application. It is also recommended to write "For assigning category" in the email subject line when submitting the application.


Payment information:

Recipient: Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

p/a: 2340 2000 3001 0000 1010

Bank: Main Directorate of the CB for Tashkent city

Bank code: 00014   TIN: 201 122 919

Organization: The State Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan

PTA: 401 010 860 262 737 041 130 021 001

TIN: 201 122 696 

Purpose of payment: For review of documents for assigning a category by the appraiser (name of appraiser).

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