Ру Ўз O'z En


21 September 2021

The State Assets Management Agency received high remarks for the level of digital development

In accordance with the Strategy “Digital Uzbekistan – 2030”and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers ”On measures for further improvement of the rating system of the state of development of the digital economy and e-Government” dated June 15, 2021 number 373, a rating assessment of the level of digital development in state bodies was carried out based on the results of the second quarter of 2021.

The rating assessment methodology consists of the following five areas of priority:

  1. Openness and electronic participation
  2. Electronic services
  3. Information and cybersecurity
  4. Information systems
  5. Organizational unit

The final rating of the state bodies was “green” – good rating, “yellow”– satisfactory rating, and “red” – unsatisfactory rating.

According to the evaluation results, UzSAMA received "green" and entered the top five, taking the 2nd place.

It should be noted, that UzSama received the maximum score in the area of "Information system" and "Organizational unit".

The ratings are based on data entered into a specialized information system, in which a total of 56 state bodies participated.

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