Ру Ўз O'z En


06 December 2023

Event, dedicated to 8 December - Constitution Day

It is known to all of us that December 8 is the day of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. At the national referendum held on April 30 this year, our people demonstrated their high political consciousness, political culture and adopted a new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In order to meet and celebrate the Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan at a high level, an event was held at the State Assets Management Agency under the direction of Deputy Director M.Kadyrov. Zamira Normurotovna Esanova - professor of the department of Tashkent State Law University, Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Davlatjon Yulchiboevich Habibullaev - head of the department, Candidate of Law Sciences, took part in the event with their report.


The speakers spoke about the essence of the updated Constitution and fundamental reforms set within the framework of the main priorities of the strategy "Uzbekistan-2030". Also, employees of the State Assets Management Agency familiarized themselves with the large-scale reforms implemented in various spheres of economic, social, cultural and spiritual life in recent years, as well as the place and role of the Constitution in the new edition in consolidating the results achieved in this regard.

In addition, the essence and significance of the vital slogan "The Constitution is the foundation of the people's country, stable development and prosperous life!" and the fact that the stage of development of human rights and freedoms has passed to a completely new stage based on the new version of the Constitution were revealed. The reforms being implemented in the areas of ensuring reliable protection of property rights, eliminating factors limiting these rights, developing health care, science, culture, arts and sports, providing constant attention and care for the elderly, women and young people, and protecting the family, motherhood, childhood and fatherhood were also widely publicized.


At the end of the event, employees of the central office of the State Assets Management Agency and subordinate organizations received full answers to all questions.

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