Ру Ўз O'z En


31 May 2024

Privatization processes in Uzbekistan presented at Uzbekistan-China textile forum

The ‘Uzbekistan-China’ textile forum was held on 29 May this year at Tashkent to attract textile enterprises and investors of the People's Republic of China to Uzbekistan, publicly demonstrate the modern potential of the textile industry and further strengthen trade relations.

Sanjar Tangriev from UzSAMA made a report at the forum, which was attended by representatives of leading companies of the China, local and foreign investors.

The participants of the forum were provided with information about the activities carried out in the direction of privatisation, as well as were presented enterprises specialising in the production of textiles and textile products, including real estate, on which it is possible to carry out these activities.

At the same time, detailed information was given on participation in auctions for assets subject to privatisation through the electronic trading platform ‘E-auksion’.

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