Ру Ўз O'z En


03 May 2021

Announcement about holding a competition for the selection of candidates for members of the Supervisory Board of JSC “BIOKIMYO" in order to attract foreign specialists


In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Joint-Stock Companies and Protection of Shareholders 'Rights", Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan PCM-356 of 26.04.2019, "On measures to further improve the system of state assets management", Presidential Decrees No. 6096 "On measures to accelerate the reform of enterprises with state participation and the privatization of state assets", the Corporate Governance Code, The Charter of the company and the Regulations on the organization and conduct of the competition for the head and deputy heads in the executive body of JSC "BIOKIMYO", approved by the minutes of the Supervisory Board dated June 27, 2019 of JSC "BIOKIMYO" in order to attract foreign specialists, announces the competitive selection of candidates for members of the Supervisory Board.

The involvement of foreign specialists as an independent member of the company's Supervisory Board is carried out in accordance with Article 76 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Joint-Stock Companies and Protection of Shareholders 'Rights".

The appointment is initially for 1 year, depending on the result of the activity, the term of office is extended.

International specialists who are citizens of foreign countries or citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan are invited to participate in the competition.

Members of the Supervisory Board who are foreign specialists must::

Understand and support the goals and objectives of the society;

Represent the interests of the company as a representative of the company at the right time and in the necessary cases;

Give advice to the executive body of the company;

Loyalty, decency, responsibility, independent attitude to the values of society;

Knowledge and experience in corporate governance, finance and marketing;

Knowledge of international relations.

Requirements for candidates:

- Candidates must comply with the standards specified in Article 76 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Joint-Stock Companies and Protection of Shareholders' Rights;

- have a higher education in the relevant specialty (supported by candidates who have certificates and diplomas of study in foreign and international educational institutions);

- 10 years or more management experience;

- deep understanding of the relevant (production) processes, market and network activities of the enterprise;;

- experience in developing and implementing an organizational and industry strategy;

- experience in operational management in the organization;

- have experience in crisis management;

- have business relations and negotiation skills with financial institutions, potential investors, consultants and organizations;

- understanding of corporate governance principles;

- one or more professional skills in planning, finance, audit, human resources management, risk management, corporate governance, career promotion;

Know the normative legal acts issued by the current law, decrees, decisions and other state bodies;

Knowledge of legislation, relevant legislation, investment and innovation regulations, and international legislation. 


- as a member of the supervisory board, participation in the activities of the supervisory board (using information and communication technologies, videoconferencing, telephone communication, etc.) to discuss issues;

- participation in the development of strategies for the development of the company and the network as a whole;

- conduct a quarterly analysis of the performance of the executive body;

- control over the reliability of financial information, financial control and risk management system;

- determine the necessary level of incentives for the management of the executive body, implement the appropriate incentive policy;

- monitoring the effectiveness of the information presentation system and its compliance with the transparency policy;

- inform about cases of immoral behavior, corruption or violations (if any) of the company's code of conduct;

- monitoring of the approved goals and objectives at the meetings of the Supervisory Board and reporting on them.;

- performing other duties within the powers of the Supervisory Board, in accordance with the current legislation.

The expected end result from the candidates:

An in-depth analysis of the company's activities, based on the best foreign experience, development and implementation of a long-term and short-term strategy for the development of the company.

To participate in competitions, you must submit the following documents:

  • Handwritten statement;
  • Autobiography (display in detail)
  • Documents confirming professional education, work experience and qualifications, certificates;
  • Copy of work book;
  • Contact details;
  • Photo 3х4 - 4 pieces;

The deadline for submitting tender documents is 20 days from the date of publication of this announcement.         

The deadline for the tender is within 5 working days after the last deadline for submitting tender documents.

Proposals and data of candidates for participation in the competition are provided in a sealed envelope, with an application on the outside of the envelope attached to the application for participation in the competition.

Bidding documents are accepted at the address: 112004, Tashkent region, Yangiyul city, Kimyogar street, building 1.

Contacts for information: tel.: +99870 602-51-11, +99895 177-30-75.

 Web-site: www.biokimyo.uz

 E-mail: info@biokimyo.uz , biokimyo@mail.ru

Proposals submitted after the specified deadline will not be accepted for consideration.

Administration of JSC "BIOKIMYO"

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