Ру Ўз O'z En


02 November 2022

Appointment: Head of Press service and PR of the State Assets Management Agency was appointed

In accordance with the relevant decision of the director of the State Assets Management Agency, Abdujambulov Ilyosbek Muminjon ugli was appointed to the position of Head of Press Service and PR - Advisor to the Director on Information Policy of the State Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In accordance with the conclusion of the Agency for Information and Mass Communications under the Presidential Administration, this appointment is also based on the principles of transparency and meritocracy on the basis of an open independent competition.

Previously, I. Abdujambulov worked in different positions in the Committee for Competition Development, the Antimonopoly Committee and the State Assets Management Agency.

Contact numbers of Press Service and PR: +998(71) 259-22-50 / 20-90 / 20-72, press@davaktiv.uz

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