Ру Ўз O'z En


01 December 2023

Official statement of the State Assets Management Agency on the opinions expressed on some social media platforms regarding the transfer of the Humo payment system

Within the framework of reforms carried out in all sectors of the economy under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev, a number of practical works aimed at improving the system of management of state-owned enterprises and realization of a unified state policy in this regard are being carried out.

In particular, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On management of state property", which entered into force on March 9 of this year, has been adopted.

According to article 22 of this Law, the State Assets Management Agency is an authorized state body in the field of state property management and implements a unified state policy in this field.

It should be noted that according to Article 5 of the above-mentioned Law, one of the main principles of state property management is the justification of state property ownership and the separation of the functions of the owner and regulator.

At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of Article 12 of the Law, it is not allowed for enterprises with state participation to simultaneously perform the functions of both owner and regulator, and that this situation is eliminated by transferring the functions of owner from a state body to the State Assets Management Agency or liquidating this enterprise or transferring the functions of regulator from this state body to another state body.

At present, as part of ensuring the implementation of this Law, the transfer of state shares of economic entities under the jurisdiction of other ministries and agencies to the State Assets Management Agency as an authorized body is being carried out.

In its turn, according to Article 12 of the Law "On the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan", the Central Bank licenses the activity of banks, payment organizations and operators of payment systems, regulates and supervises their activity.

According to the above and in order to ensure the implementation of the requirements of Article 12 of the Law "On management of state property", by the Presidential Decree No. PP-381 dated November 30, 2023, it is established that the state share in the authorized capital of LLC "National Interbank Processing Center" (payment system "Humo") of the Central Bank is transferred to the State Assets Management Agency.

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