Ру Ўз O'z En


20 December 2022

Privatization processes in the President's Address to the people of Uzbekistan

On December 20 of this year the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in his address to the Oliy Majlis and the people of Uzbekistan mentioned particularly the processes of privatization, in particular:

"It is necessary to fully and effectively use the opportunities of privatization and public-private partnership in attracting active investments.

Next year we will start "big privatization", about 1000 enterprises will be offered for sale.

Today I want to share with you one intention in my heart. My great intention is to have 100 thousands of owners and shareholders among our compatriots. I want our people to invest their savings and get high returns.

Therefore, I have given an order. Next year, the shares of our 10 largest companies and commercial banks will be put up for an open and transparent sale, in which all our citizens will be able to participate.

I have no doubt that this will be a truly people's "IPO".

In this regard, I consider it appropriate to repeat what I said earlier: if people are rich, then the country will also be rich and powerful." - Shavkat Mirziyoyev.


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