Ру Ўз O'z En


30 May 2022

А training seminar was held to explain the new system and procedure for selling state assets, including land plots, to the private sector using the example of Kashkadarya region

On May 27 this year in Karshi, using the example of Kashkadarya region, a training seminar was held to explain the new system and procedure for selling state assets, including land plots, to the private sector.

During this training seminar, specialists of the State Assets Management Agency (UzSAMA) explained in detail to the heads of UzSAMA territorial divisions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions, and Tashkent city, as well as First Deputy khokims of districts (cities) and Deputy khokims the procedures for privatization and lease of state assets, including land plots, putting state facilities on the trading platform "E-auksion" based on the application of assistant khokims.

At the same time, issues of improving the mechanism for accelerating the work of involving empty private facilities in economic activity were discussed with the First Deputies of district (city) khokims and assistant khokims.

The participants were also informed about the work done this year on the sale and lease of state assets and land plots in Kashkadarya region. In particular:

  • 91 state assets at the starting price of 518.4 billion soums were put up for public sale;
  • 176 empty state assets and enterprises with state participation are planned to be sold through public auction;
  • A total of 1,228 land plots (93 by right of ownership and 1,135 by lease) were put up for public sale;
  • 844 state-owned properties are leased out to entrepreneurs and around 100 properties are put up for an auction for rent.

In addition, it was noted that a digital electronic program "Online-ijara.uz" for renting and monitoring of state facilities was introduced.

The seminar explained issues about putting up state assets and land plots for sale, leasing of state property, nationalization of ownerless property, effective tax mechanism applied to empty facilities and other interesting questions on the topic of the seminar. Participants received detailed answers to all their questions from  specialists with concrete examples.

At the same time, relevant proposals on simplifying the process of placing land on the trading platform "E-auksion", the current procedures for leasing state property and effective measures applied to empty facilities were received.

In addition, it is planned to hold training seminars in all regions of the country to provide detailed explanations (with examples) to the First Deputy district (city) khokims and assistant khokims of the new system of organizing the efficient use of state assets and land plots on the basis of the "Kashkadarya experience".

To remind, on June 4 in Namangan city, the State Assets Management Agency will hold a “Roadshow” of state assets subject to privatization in the Namangan region, in particular state shares in enterprises, empty state facilities as well as land plots subject to sale. You can get more information through the following link.

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