Ру Ўз O'z En


15 June 2022

The annual general meeting of shareholders of "Fergana yog-moy" JSC is held

According to the relevant notification of "Fergana yog-moy" JSC dated June 6, 2022, the annual general meeting of shareholders will be held on June 28 of this year with the following agenda:

  1. Approval of the report and resolutions adopted by the Supervisory board on observance of corporate governance principles in company for 2021;
  2. Approval of the report of Management board chairman on the implementation of the company's business plan and the results of financial and economic activities in 2021;
  3. Approval of the balance sheet, profit and loss account of the company based on the results of 2021;
  4. Approval of the report and conclusion of the Audit commission;
  5. Approval of the external auditor's report;
  6. Distribution of the company's net profit by the end of 2021;
  7. Approval of the Company's business plan for 2022 and estimates of income and expenses;
  8. Election of Supervisory board members;
  9. Election of Audit commission members;
  10. Election of Management board members of the company;
  11. Election of Management board chairman of the company;
  12. Approval of the organization of external audit of financial and economic activities for 2022 and the establishment of the maximum amount of payment for its services;
  13. Consideration of the issue of receiving the unclaimed balance of accrued dividends for 2017 in favor of the company;
  14. Approval of the Company's management board structure;
  15. Approval of the new version of the Company’s Charter and internal regulations with amendments and additions;
  16. Approval of the conclusion notification form of the Corporate Governance Code on the Company's activities.

The share of the State Assets Management Agency in the authorized capital of the company is 84.45 percent. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PD-6096 dated October 27, 2020, the sale of the state share is planned. Currently, a state shares worth 60.6 billion sums are put up for stock trading.

The meeting will be held at 9 Memora Street, Fergana, in accordance with the decision of the meeting of the Company’s Supervisory Board dated May 31, 2022.

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