Ру Ўз O'z En


13 December 2023

The buildings and facilities of the former SUE "2512 Avtojamlanma" are offered for sale

In accordance with the relevant privatization programs, the State Assets Management Agency (UzSAMA) announces the beginning of the public sales process of buildings and facilities (hereinafter - Object) located at 487a Mannon Uygur Street, Uchtepa district, Tashkent city, belonging to the former State Unitary Enterprise "2512 Avtojamlanma".

Proposals from applicants are accepted via the electronic trading platform "E-auksion" via the link below.

Link for participation in the public sales

Information about the Object:

The Object is located at the address: Tashkent city, Uchtepa district, Mannon Uygur street, 487a, total land plot area 3.23 hectares, building area 7776 square metres, there are communication lines (gas, water and electricity).

The sale of state Object will be carried out in the following two stages:

  • Stage 1: applicants are pre-qualified for participation in the sale on the basis of the following terms: the completeness of the required documents, receipt of a deposit, eligibility of the draft business concept proposed as per the requirements for future usage of the assets;
  • Stage 2: the commercial proposals of the applicants (the purchase price and the period of payment), the receipt of a deposit (the amount of at least 5 percent of the price proposal), as well as the solvency are assessed.

At the first stage, applicants must complete the application form in Annex 1 (Annex 1a for Individuals) in Uzbek, Russian or English (preferred language of the applicant) by January 12, 2024 at 18:00 (Tashkent time), and send through “E-auksion” electronic trading platform as an encrypted scanned attachment with the following documents:

а) for legal entities:

  • certificate of registration as a legal entity and copies of approved charter;
  • a complete list of the applicant, its founder and/or beneficiary as of the date of submission of documents (indicating the relevant shares and amount of the applicant in the authorized capital, if the payment is intended to involve the founder and/or beneficiary);
  • draft business concept specifying the use of state assets based on the requirements for future use;
  • a copy of the deposit receipt confirming that a minimum of 5% of the value offered for the state asset that the applicant plans to purchase has been transferred to a special account of "Organization of electronic online auctions" JSC given below.

b) for individuals:

  • taxpayer identification number (for residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan), passport information;
  • draft business concept specifying the use of state assets based on the requirements for future use;
  • a copy of the deposit receipt confirming that a minimum of 5% of the value offered for the state asset that the applicant plans to purchase has been transferred to a special account of "Organization of electronic online auctions" JSC given below.

Within 3 working days from the date of the State commission for privatisation decision on the results of the first stage, UzSAMA will announce the results on its official website and social networks and official notifications will be sent to all applicants.

Applicants passed to the second stage of the sale process, must apply to the second stage in accordance with application form Annex 2 (Annex 2a for individuals) through “E-auksion” electronic trading platform within 5 business days after the publication date of the official announcement by UzSAMA.

Proposals should be sent in a sealed envelope or in encrypted scanned form through “E-auksion” electronic trading platform with the following documents:  

  • offer price of the applicant for the purchase of state assets;
  • terms of payment for the purchase of state assets;
  • a copy of the financial statements (Forms 1 and 2 of the accounting report) of the applicant for the last 3 years (along with confirmation of the tax authorities on the receipt of the report for residents and depreciation and revaluation of assets).

If the applicant is unable to pay as per its financial statements, the applicant must send a copy of the financial statements (Forms 1 and 2 of the accounting report) of the founder or beneficiary for the last 3 years (confirmation of the tax authorities on the receipt of reports for residents and depreciation along with evaluation indicators). In such cases, a letter of confirmation from the founder or beneficiary on the payment of benefits in the interests of the applicant must be attached;

other documents confirming the applicants’s capacity to pay (certificate of deposit, bank guarantee) must be sent in the event that the applicant is unable to pay as per his financial statements.

Special conditions:

  1. The most optimal design concept will be selected on the basis of the Object, taking into account the requirements of modern urban planning;
  2. in cases where the down payment amount is less than 35 percent in a sale conditional on installments, the remaining amount represents annual interest at the Central Bank prime rate;
  3. if one proposal for the acquisition of a state asset is received at the first stage of the sales, the sales is considered to have failed;
  4. if the applicant offers to pay the repurchase value of the state asset for a period of more than one month, his price offer is evaluated by bringing the price offer of the state asset to the current value;
  5. The UzSAMA, from the date of sending the notification (except for force majeure cases), enters into a Purchase and Sale Agreement in the specified manner with the winner of the sales and the deposit made to participate in the sales will be included in the amount of redemption payments for the acquired state asset;
  6. discounts are not applied for redemption payments made by the winner of the sales;
  7. if the winner of the sales refuses to conclude a Purchase and Sale Agreement, the amount of the deposit made by him will not be refunded;
  8. The State commission on privatisation or the Working Body, without assuming any obligations, may, at its discretion, suspend the sales at any time, as well as request additional information and/or clarifications from the participants during the sales process.

Special settlement account of the "Organization of electronic online auctions" JSC is used for the payment of the deposit:

In national currency: in UZS

Recipient: "Organization of electronic online auctions" JSC;
Recipient's account number: 20210000000792302012;
Recipient's bank: JSC "Alokabank”;
TIN: 305004780;
Recipient's bank code: 00401;

In the "Purpose of payment" section of the payer's payment order: the name of the state asset with the inscription "deposit" is indicated.

Foreign currency: USD

Recipient: "Organization of electronic online auctions" JSC;
Recipient's current account: 
20210840800792302005 (USD);

In the "Purpose of payment" section of the payer's payment order: the name of the state asset with the inscription "deposit" is indicated.

Working Body – information about the State Assets Management Agency:

Address of UzSAMA: 100000, Tashkent city, Amir Temur Street, 6.

Phone numbers for additional information: (+99871) 259-22-56, 259-20-23.

Website: www.davaktiv.uz.

Dear entrepreneurs!

If you have any complaints or suggestions during the sales process, you can contact the helpline of UzSAMA (+99871) 259-21-37 or 1082.

Appendix 1 of the announcement For legal entities (DOWNLOAD)

Appendix 1a of the process For individuals (DOWNLOAD)

Appendix 2 of the announcement For legal entities (DOWNLOAD)

Appendix 2a of the process For individuals (DOWNLOAD)

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