Ру Ўз O'z En


21 June 2022

Outdoor advertising devices are also widely used in the sale of state assets

Currently, the State Assets Management Agency effectively uses the web pages of mass media, online publications and bloggers to highlight the process of selling state assets among the general public, informing entrepreneurs about the assets put up for sale.

Outdoor advertising devices, LED screens located in densely populated areas are also used in advertising activities. In particular, LED monitors located on about 70 central streets of the regions and the city of Tashkent demonstrate videos about the assets for sale, as well as the possibilities of the electronic trading platform "E-auksion". This work on coverage is carried out in cooperation with regional, city and district khokimiyats.

Tashkent, Little Ring Road

Tashkent, intersection of Beruniy and Sakichmon streets

Tashkent, intersection of Abdulla Kodiriy and Korasaroy streets

Tashkent, intersection of Yangi Sergeli and Masson streets

Tashkent, intersection of Buyuk Ipak Yuli and Mirzo Ulugbek streets

Tashkent, intersection of Yangi Sergeli and Masson streets

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