Ру Ўз O'z En


30 March 2021



State assets are to be sold in accordance with the Republic of Uzbekistan’s Presidential decree adopted on 11 February 2021 № PF-6167 "On measures to accelerate the process of privatization of state assets"


The State Assets Management Agency (“UzSAMA”) announces the start of the public sale process for the following state assets.

The sale process will be carried out in two stages:

Stage 1:  bidders are pre-qualified for participation in the sale on the basis of the following terms: the completeness of the required documents, receipt of a deposit, eligibility of the draft business concept proposed as per the requirements for future usage of the assets;

Stage 2: assessment of the commercial offers on the basis of price and payment timeline as well as financial capacity to complete the transaction.

At the first stage, applicants must complete the application form in Annex 1 (Annex 1a for Individuals) in Uzbek, Russian or English (preferred language of the applicant) by April 30, 2021 at 18:00 (Tashkent time), and send in a sealed envelope or via email to UzSAMA as an encrypted scanned attachment with the following documents:

a) for legal entities:

certificate of registration as a legal entity and copies of approved charter;

a complete list of the applicant, its founder and/or beneficiary as of the date of submission of documents (indicating the relevant shares and amount of the bidder in the authorized capital, if the payment is intended to involve the founder and/or beneficiary);

draft business concept specifying the use of state assets based on the requirements for future use;

a copy of the deposit receipt confirming that a minimum of 5% of the value offered for the state asset that the applicant plans to purchase has been transferred to a special account of UzSAMA below.

 b) for individuals:

taxpayer identification number (for residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan), passport information;

draft business concept specifying the use of state assets based on the requirements for future use;

a copy of the deposit receipt confirming that a minimum of 5% of the value offered for the state asset that the applicant plans to purchase has been transferred to a special account of UzSAMA below.

Within 3 working days from the date of the State Tender Commission decision on the results of the first stage, UzSAMA will announce on its official website and social networks and official notifications will be sent to all bidders.

Applicants passed to the second stage of the sale process, must apply to the second stage in accordance with application form Annex 2 (Annex 2 for individuals) within 5 business days after the date of publication of the official announcement by UzSAMA.

Proposals should be sent in a sealed envelope or in encrypted scanned form to the email address of UzSAMA with the following documents:     

offer price of the applicant for the purchase of state assets;

terms of payment for the purchase of state assets;

a copy of the financial statements (Forms 1 and 2 of the accounting report) of the applicant for the last 3 years (along with confirmation of the tax authorities on the receipt of the report for residents and depreciation and revaluation of assets).

If the applicant is unable to pay as per its financial statements, the applicant must send a copy of the financial statements (Forms 1 and 2 of the accounting report) of the founder or beneficiary for the last 3 years (confirmation of the tax authorities on the receipt of reports for residents and depreciation along with evaluation indicators). In such cases, a letter of confirmation from the founder or beneficiary on the payment of benefits in the interests of the applicant must be attached;

other documents confirming the bidder’s capacity to pay (certificate of deposit, bank guarantee) must be sent in the event that the applicant is unable to pay as per his financial statements.

III. Please note the following special conditions:

An applicant is permitted to submit bids for one or more state assets. In this case, proposals for each state asset should be submitted separately;

If only one offer is received at the first stage, the process is deemed invalid;

in the event an applicant offers to make payment for an state asset in more than a month (though not more than in 36 months), its proposal price shall be evaluated in the prescribed manner, bringing it to the current value of the asset, taking into account these periods;

within 20 days of the date of UzSAMA’s notification, a contract with the winner will be made taking into account the deposit amount for participation as a part of  the payment;

no discount is applied to the purchase price paid by the winner of state assets;

in the event that a winner withdraws or cancels the contract of sale, the deposit paid by him shall not be refunded;

The State Tender Commission or Working Body may, at its discretion, suspend the selling at any time and, without any obligation, request additional and/or clarifying information from applicants.


III. Information on the Working Body - UzSAMA:

Special account of UzSAMA for deposit payments:

In the national currency:

Recipient: Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Recipient's account number: 23402000300100001010;

Recipient's bank: Tashkent city Main Department of Accounting and Cash Center of Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

TIN: 201 122 919;

Recipient's bank code: 00014.

In the "Purpose of payment" section of the payment order, the payer shall enter the phrase "earnest money" with the number 399910860262947011359021004 and the name of the state asset.



In foreign currency:

Recipient: Ministry of Finance, BIC code: MFRUUZ22,

Adress: 29, Istiqlol street, Tashkent, 100017

Recipient's account number: 23 402 840 900 100 001 011;

Beneficiary Bank: Central Bank of Uzbekistan, SWIFT: CBUZUZ22

Correspondent bank: CITIBANK, NEW YORK, Corr.Acc: 36115651,

    SWIFT Code: CITIUS33

In the "Purpose of payment" section of the payment order, the payer shall enter the phrase "earnest money" with the number 399910840262947011359021001 and the name of the state asset.



Address of the State Assets Agency:

6 Amir Temur Avenue, Tashkent, 100000

Email address: invest@davaktiv.uz, investment@davaktiv.uz.

Responsible for receiving documents: U. Tukhtasinov,
tel.: (+99871) 259-22-10.

Telephone numbers for additional information: (+99871) 259-20-91, 259-20-70.

Web-site: www.davaktiv.uz.

Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen,

If you have any suggestions or objections to the sales process, you can call hotline (+99871) 259-21-37 or short helpline 1082 of UzSAMA.


Appendix 1 of the announcement

For legal entities (download)

Appendix 1a of the process

For individuals (download)

Appendix 2 of the announcement

For legal entities (download)

Appendix 2a of the process

For individuals (download)


Requirements for future use of state assets available for purchase


Name of state asset*

Located area


Requirements for future use of state assets

Common area (he)

Building (sq m)


Poytakht Business Center

Tashkent city, Yunusabad district, Sharof Rashidov street, 16

 virtual tour 360° 


34 532

Office, hotel, trade or other service activities


“Ichan kal’a” hotel complex

Tashkent city, Yakkasaray district, Yusuf Khas Khojib and Tafakkur street, 75а, 75/9,  75/10


10 100

Hotel service


Beldersoy Resort

Tashkent region, Bostanliq district, Chimyon

 virtual tour 360° 


9 628

Construction of a hotel or other tourism infrastructure facility


“Sidjak” recreation area

Tashkent region, Bostanliq district, “Sarbog”

 virtual tour 360° 


5 016

Construction of a hotel or other tourism infrastructure facility


“Qizil suv sport soglomlashtirish” LLC

Tashkent region, Bostanliq district, Chimboyliq


2 746

Construction of a hotel or other tourism infrastructure facility


«Малика» Trade and consumer services complex

Tashkent city, Shayhantahur district, Small ring road street,

57 - 59 - 61

 virtual tour 360° 


43 413

Trade and service activities


“Gazetalar ishlab chiqarish binosi”

Tashkent city, Mirabad district, Intersection of Bukhara and Nuroniylar streets

 virtual tour 360° 


19 152

Use as an administrative building or organize an office service


Former Republican Stock Exchange Administrative Building

Tashkent city, Mirabad district,, Sayilgoh Street 10



11 470

Sales, service, or entertainment and concert facility

*Photos of a state asset appear when its name is clicked on.

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