Ру Ўз O'z En


03 June 2022

To the attention of citizens, entrepreneurs and businessmen!

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On privatization of non-agricultural land" the process of privatization of non-agricultural land has begun.

Through the automated information system “YERХUSUSIYLASHTIRISH”  of the State Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan started receiving applications from citizens and legal entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan for privatization of land on the right of permanent use (ownership), lease or lifetime inheritable possession.

The FIRST STATE ORDER for granting the right of ownership has been issued according to the application of citizen Ramz Erkinovich Mukhamadiev for the land plot of 271 sq.m. on O.Makhmudov street, "Yog Bozori" MCG, Kokand city, Fergana region, which he owned on the right of lifetime inheritable possession.

The staff of the State Assets Management Agency sincerely congratulates Ramz Erkinovich on achieving the first results of one of the reforms initiated in the New Uzbekistan on the principle of "Ensuring the interests of person"!

Additionally, in accordance with the law, individuals and legal entities have the opportunity to purchase non-agricultural land plots for entrepreneurial activities on the right of ownership and lease through the electronic trading platform "E-auksion".

As of 1st June this year more than 22 thousand land plots throughout the country are put up for sales, 10 thousands of them were sold by right of ownership, 1 185 land plots by right of ownership and lease for total sum of 140,1 billion soums, 68 out of them were sold by right of ownership.

In particular, "SAM-MAROQAND-OIL" LLC has been issued the "State order confirming the right of ownership of land plot with the area of 1 410 sq.m., purchased at MCG "Rasadhona" of Samarkand city through the electronic trading platform "E-auksion" with the first number.

Congratulations to the team and founders of "SAM-MAROQAND-OIL" LLC for winning the transparent sales of the electronic auction!

We call citizens, entrepreneurs and businessmen to participate in transparent sales for land plots through the electronic trading platform "E-auksion" and to take an active part in the process of registration of ownership of land plots which are under the right of permanent use, lease or lifetime inheritable possession.

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