Ру Ўз O'z En


06 December 2022

UzSAMA announces a competition on internship for final-year students of higher educational institutions

UzSAMA invites talented final-year students enrolled in the economic faculties of higher education institutions to participate in the competition on internship within the "Program for the selection of young professionals by subordinate organizations of the State Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

In the competition can participate initiative and complying with the requirements of public servant ethics students, recommended by educational institutions (on the basis of student attestation booklet) according to the high rating results.

The competition is held in the following stages:

  • reviewing the resumes of candidates;
  • testing;
  • selection of the most suitable students by interview.

The testing is conducted at the institutions of higher education on their own, in cooperation with the State Assets Management Agency. Also, the tests are held in a simplified procedure compared to the current testing organized by the Civil Service Development Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Candidates will be informed of testing and interview dates five days in advance of the process.

Internship candidates must score more than 71% of the total test score. Candidates notified of the test in the prescribed manner, but who have not participated, are considered to have failed the test.

Students who have successfully passed testing and interviews of the Selection Committee, starting from January 9, 2023 will undergo an internship based on an individual work plan in the main divisions of the Central Office of the Agency, five days a week from 14:00 to 18:00 (in their free time) for 6 months.

Students are paid up to 2 times the minimum wage during their internship.

10 students will be accepted for internship in the Central Office of the Agency, by 2 students - in its territorial offices.

According to the results of internship, the most advanced students will be awarded with certificates and will be recommended to participate in the process of selection for vacant positions in the Central Office of the Agency and in its territorial offices without passing the test.

Internships for students of higher education institutions located in the regions are organised at the Agency's territorial offices according to the above procedure.

In order to participate in the competition, candidates should send their personal data (CV) to the following email addresses untill December 16 of this year:

  1. Central Office personnel@davaktiv.uz, тел: +71 259-22-82
  2. Republic of Karakalpakstan qqr@davaktiv.uz, тел: +61 222-00-63
  3. Andijan region andijan@davaktiv.uz, тел: +74 223-61-97
  4. Bukhara region buxoro@davaktiv.uz, тел: +65 221-70-55
  5. Jizzakh region jizzax@davaktiv.uz, тел: +72 226-57-85
  6. Kashkadarya region qashqadaryo@davaktiv.uz, тел: +75 225-02-39
  7. Namangan region namangan@davaktiv.uz, тел: +69 233-53-90
  8. Navoi region navoiy@davaktiv.uz, тел: +79 220-61-97
  9. Samarkand region samarqand@davaktiv.uz, тел: +91 519-52-29
  10. Syrdarya region sirdaryo@davaktiv.uz, тел: +67-226-53-16
  11. Surkhandarya region surxondaryo@davaktiv.uz, тел: +76 223-39-21
  12. Ferghana region fargona@davaktiv.uz, тел: +73 244-18-59
  13. Khorezm region xorazm@davaktiv.uz, тел: +62 223-08-67
  14. Tashkent region toshvil@davaktiv.uz, тел: +70 202-03-81
  15. Tashkent city toshkent@davaktiv.uz, тел: +90 991-73-43

If you have any questions about internships, you can contact the Human Resources and Personnel Development Department of the Agency at: (71) 259-22-82, 259-20-10, 259-20-40.

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