Ру Ўз O'z En


13 November 2021

Attention to the state-owned enterprises

This is to notify that in accordance with the legislation requirements, the business plan of state-owned enterprises (SOE) for the next year must be approved (agreed) by their management body no later than December 1 of this year.

State Assets Management Agency developed model business plan and sent to the SOEs as a methodological guide. In order to assist SOEs in timely and effective development of business plan for 2022.

Meanwhile, considering the specifics of state-owned enterprises, the model business plans are divided into three categories (for large enterprises, small enterprises and micro-firms, as well as markets and shopping malls).

According to the requirements of paragraph 3 of the Cabinet of Ministers resoluton No. 674 of October 30, 2020, information on the implementation of business plans of state-owned enterprises and relevant documents must be submitted to "State Property" Information System of UzSAMA (kpi.davaktiv.uz).

Taking all into consideration, state-owned enterprises need to take all measures timely and high-quality development of the business plan for 2022 and approval (agreed) in the prescribed manner by the management body with providing information on its key indicators in the information system of the UzSAMA.

The list of the state-owned enterprises attached to the ministries and state agencies can be accessed through the link.

UzSAMA is ready to provide comprehensive practical assistance to the SOEs in the development of the business plans.

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