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06 July 2023

An online discussion/dialogue will be held on arising questions from the Underwriters attracted under the "People's IPO"

According to the announcement published by the State Assets Management Agency on June 29 of this year, the tender for the attraction of Underwriters under the "People's IPO" of shares of 40 state enterprises on the principle of "one share - one lot" is announced.

In order to clarify the questions of the parties willing to participate in this process, all applicants are asked to send their questions/comments with the e-mail address and the responsible person for communication to the contact address below until 18.00 (Tashkent time) on July 10 of this year:

  • Talat Samandarov - Head of Department on Preparation for Privatization of State Assets;
  • Tel: + 998-71-259-20-67;
  • E-mail: tender@davaktiv.uz.

Online discussion/dialogue with the applicants who submitted questions/comments will be held on July 12 this year at 16:00 (Tashkent time).

The link to participate in the online discussion/dialogue will be sent to the e-mail of all applicants who submitted questions/comments or expressed their interest to participate in this discussion.

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