Ру Ўз O'z En


23 June 2023

Announcement on attracting a leading PR-consulting company to organize comprehensive awareness-raising and educational activities as part of the "People's IPO"

The State Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the "Agency of State Assets"/ "Customer"), in accordance with the relevant privatization programs and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on holding a "People's IPO", announces a competition to attract services for organizing and conducting an awareness-raising campaign within the framework of the "People's IPO" Program (Information management services support, PR and advertising) with the principle “one share – one lot”.

The PR company, within the framework of the implementation of the “People's IPO” program, interacts jointly with the Customer and the strategic consultant, underwriter and other interested parties attracted by him.

Interested applicants are invited to submit their proposals in accordance with the RfP below until 18:00 (Tashkent time) on July 7, 2023.

We ask interested PR consultants to send commercial proposals in coded form to the contact address listed below:

Abdujambulov Ilyosbek – The head of the information service;

Phone.: + 998-71-259-22-50;

Email address: tender@davaktiv.uz.

In the case of a joint commercial offer, it is necessary to specify the Main Consultant who coordinates and takes responsibility for the work of the involved partner consultant.


This request is not an obligation to provide a commercial offer, the Customer does not give any obligation to accept any offer or conclude a contract in accordance with this request for proposals. Accordingly, this request for proposals does not imply the conclusion of a contract by virtue of the publication of this request and/or receipt of applications in connection with it, or through negotiations and discussions with one or more selection participants regarding the process.

The materials and information contained in this document are intended for a preliminary summary and the most important aspects of the process, as well as a general indication of the amount of work expected from a PR consultant to organize and conduct an awareness campaign within the framework of the People’s IPO" Program.

The selection participants cannot and should not rely on anything, except for the only limited purpose of preparing initial presentations and proposals for the Customer in connection with the selection process.

Request for proposals (RfP) on the service of a PR Consultant for the organization of an awareness-raising campaign (Information support, PR and advertising Services) within the framework of the People’s IPO" Program


In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to reduce state participation in the economy" dated March 24, 2023 No. PP–102, 40 state-owned enterprises (hereinafter referred to as Assets) were instructed to conduct a "People's IPO" on the principle of "one share - one lot".

The State Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, based on the selection of the best proposals, plans to attract a leading PR consulting company to organize an awareness-raising campaign (information support, PR and advertising services) within the framework of the People's IPO Program.

This request for proposals (hereinafter referred to as the Request) defines the requirements for a PR Consultant and the structure of his proposal, which are subject to evaluation, and also describes the necessary scope of work for the organization and conduct of a PR campaign. PR consultants can join a consortium or submit joint proposals to provide a full range of services.

The expected structure of the offer and the requirement for PR consultants

The proposal must be prepared in Russian/English or Uzbek, contain information about the following:

  • A proposal on the scope of work with a detailed description of the proposed actions for the successful implementation of the project. Opinion on the duration of the process, on conditions that the recommendations and suggestions of the PR Consultant will be adequately responded to within a reasonably required time (up to 10 points);
  • Information about the cost of services: a fixed amount is assumed, including direct expenses and possible additional operating expenses, including taxes (VAT) (up to 60 points);
  • Information about experience on similar projects, as well as information about the mandates of a PR Consultant in the East Europe, Asia and CIS region in the period from January 1, 2018 to the present (up to 15 points);
  • Proposal for the organization of work and project management. Information about the team that is involved in this project, indicating the names of individuals and information about their work experience, general experience in the field of PR business orientation and specific experience in conducting PR support for IPO companies (up to 15 points).
  • A written statement on the availability of sufficient competencies, as well as human, time and material resources to perform the assigned tasks.
  • Information about the existence of a conflict of interest. Information about the current existence of a mandate that may represent a conflict of interest if a PR Consultant is involved in this project.

Participants who do not meet the requirements listed below will not be considered by the Customer and the Strategic Consultant.

Requirements for the participants of the competition

Participants can participate in the competition themselves or in the form of a consortium (one legal entity on behalf of the consortium). Participants should not be persons involved in the sanctions lists and persons affiliated with them. Participants can be residents and non-residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Non-resident participants should submit their proposals in a consortium with a local company with experience in business-oriented media.

To participate in a marketing campaign, a PR consulting company is required that meets the following criteria:

  • A team of experienced journalists with more than 5 years of experience in business-oriented media.
  • Availability of a platform for posting materials on a virtual resource specializing in social and labor topics.
  • Cooperation with commentators who have active pages in international and local social networks with more than 40 thousand subscribers.
  • The presence of a group with active users in an international social network specializing in Uzbek business topics with an audience of more than 5 thousand people.
  • A design specialist with more than 3 years of experience in the development of advertising modules and text graphics.
  • Proficiency in the Uzbek language at a professional level by all team members.

Terms of service provision and remuneration structure

The terms of the services will be valid from the moment of signing the contract until the first Asset goes to the "People's IPO" with the possibility of extending the contract for subsequent "People's IPO".

The scope of work provides for the provision of a general set of services necessary for conducting and organizing awareness-raising work within the framework of the successful "People's IPO" program. The scope of work performed includes:

The first stage: organization of marketing infrastructure for the upcoming "People's IPO", conducting preliminary marketing events of an informational and educational nature with the population (online and offline), as well as communication audit and marketing programs to highlight companies from the list of People's IPO (prioritization of companies in the order of IPO entry). Preliminary terms: 2-4 months.

The second stage: conducting of active PR campaigns and marketing programs with a focus on the Asset/Assets identified for the next IPO (including the development of the Road Show, other upcoming events). As part of these works, a monthly payment for the services of a PR consultant is expected before the final completion of accepting applications for participation in the IPO of the Asset/Assets. Preliminary terms: 2-3 months.

Scope of services

Within the framework of the People's IPO program, marketing and PR campaigns will be carried out in collaboration with the Customer, strategic consultant, underwriter and other parties involved.

The scope of services implies the provision of a full list of services required for the successful organization and conduct of an awareness campaign within the framework of the "People's IPO" Program. The scope of work includes:

1. Analysis and recommendation of marketing channels.

  • Creation of a brandbook for the "People's IPO" Program;
  • Analysis of the Uzbek market for the availability of existing marketing channels and their effectiveness. The analysis should include, but not be limited to, the statistics of views, audience coverage, ratings, target audience, competitive environment and other factors that are important for evaluating effectiveness.
  • Recommendations on the use of various marketing channels to maximize coverage of the population of Uzbekistan, including, but not limited to, television (public and private channels), radio, Internet, social networks, popular bloggers and opinion leaders (artists, telegram channels, experts and others), call center and SMS mailing, conferences/forums, live broadcasts with experts, pop-up notifications in banking applications and payment systems, physical advertising in the form of brochures, banners, leaflets, involvement in the marketing of "Uzbekiston Pochtasi", Xalq bank, and so on.
  • Development and coordination with the Customer of a marketing strategy for the implementation of a general information and explanatory campaign, taking into account the results of the market analysis, as well as tactical communication plans for each of the potential issuers, taking into account the results of the information field analysis.
  • Identification of key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the results of marketing strategy implementation.

2. Assistance to a Strategic Consultant in conducting a communication audit of each Asset.

Conducting a communication audit for each of the potential issuers: analysis of the current information field, assessment of readiness for communication in connection with a potential IPO, development of recommendations for the implementation of the necessary internal procedures and documents.

3. Conducting internal training events/trainings.

Preparing and conducting trainings on financial communications for the public relations departments of issuing companies, conducting practical trainings on working with the media and public speaking techniques for key speakers of the project.

4. Creation, filling and maintenance of the official website of the People’s IPO"

Creation, filling and ensuring the working capacity of the site and its full functionality.

Requirements for the modernization and maintenance of the website:

4.1. Functional requirements:

  • Search engine optimization (google, yandex);
  • CMS work on the WYSIWYG principle;
  • Built-in exchange informers that broadcast real-time stock quotes of companies-issuers of “People’s IPO" Program;
  • The possibility of subscribing to the RSS newsletter;
  • Implementation of the Google Analytics statistics collection service;
  • Site Search;
  • Site map;
  • Text explanations or pop-up hints for navigation signs;
  • The presence of keywords (tags) and links to similar materials on a given topic;
  • Availability of a photo gallery;
  • Availability of a video gallery;
  • Language versions: Uzbek, Russian, English;
  • Links to partner sites and government programs (banners);
  • Virtual Assistant Consultant;
  • Facebook Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, social media integration;
  • FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions;
  • Compatible with all known browsers (Firefox; Internet Explorer; Google Chrome; Opera; Safari).

4.2. Ergonomics and design:

The information portal should be implemented in a friendly, understandable interface, not overloaded with details. The simplicity of the interface must be maintained, all the principles of convenient use must be observed. In case of errors in user actions, a message should be issued with a clear explanation of the reasons for the error (both in the user and in the administrative part). When performing long-term operations, it should be provided to display the dynamics of the process.

Access to the administrative part: the ability to create users with different roles and permissions should be implemented.

4.3. Technical support

  • Backup of work related to data security, in case of failures of the software and hardware of the website. Frequency: weekly.
  • Website restoration: works to restore the website in case of technical and software failures that led to partial or complete loss of operational information, virus attacks, as well as at the request of the Customer. Frequency: if necessary.
  • Condition monitoring: work related to monitoring the performance and diagnostics of the current state of the website. Frequency: daily.
  • Setting and configuration of the server hardware, website software: Setting and configuration of the server system and special software used to maintain the operation of the website. Frequency: as needed.
  • Administration of access rights to sections of the website, monitoring and ensuring the integrity of data and the database of the system. Frequency: as needed.
  • Analysis and determination of performance requirements, performance improvement. Analysis of the workload of the host server. Optimization of load distribution on the host server hardware. Frequency: monthly.
  • Changing the structure: Work related to the restructuring of the website on the necessary changes to the structure of the website, its individual categories, sections and subsections. Deleting and/or adding website categories, linking them to the menu, restructuring the website. Optimization and improvement of user interface functionality. Frequency: if necessary.
  • Correction of software errors: works related to monitoring and elimination of software errors in the operation of the site, incorrect display or operation of functional modules of the website. Frequency: if necessary.

4.4. Security requirements

In order to ensure the security of the website's operability, prevent unauthorized deletion, editing of information, as well as prevent the introduction of computer viruses into the structure of the website and its pages, the potential supplier undertakes to monitor the security status of the website and eliminate the identified shortcomings of the protection system against network threats.

In order to ensure that the website can be restored from a backup copy, it is necessary to back up the website regularly, once a week. In case of an increase in the activity of hacker attacks, increase it to the required level in order to maximize the preservation of information.

4.5. Support

The Supplier/The Contractor must provide warranty support of the information portal within 12 months after its commissioning. Warranty support should include prompt correction of identified errors in the operation of the site and consulting of the support staff. If necessary, the Contractor must ensure that specialists visit the Customer at his request.

4.6. Content and editing

The Supplier/The Contractor must ensure the moderation and content of the site during the term of the contract, according to the media plan agreed with the Customer.

5. SMM-support.

Creation and configuration of official accounts of the “People’s IPO" in social networks approved in the marketing strategy, as well as their moderation and active content filling.

Support of the official accounts of the Program in social networks Facebook.com , Twitter.com , YouTube, VK, Instagram, Telegram is the maintenance of feedback between Internet users and the official website of the “People’s IPO"

  • publishing a total of at least 30 posts per month, including leads (abbreviated text) with hyperlinks to materials on the promotion and implementation of the People's IPO program posted on the official website of the “People's IPO” and other Internet portals. Answers to user questions on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram regarding the implementation of the “People's IPO” Program;
  • work with comments in popular groups and blogs of social networks Facebook, Twitter, VK, Instagram, Telegram (according to the approved list, up to 30 comments per month);
  • production and placement of a profile video on the Program's YouTube account (at least 1 video per month, materials are prepared by the PR Consultant and agreed with the Customer);
  • work with trend/popular bloggers, approved in the marketing strategy, to promote the “People's IPO” Program. Requirements for bloggers must be approved in the marketing strategy.

6. Placement of information materials on approved marketing channels (other than social media)

Services for the preparation and placement of PR materials on marketing channels approved in the marketing strategy (online and offline), in the form of, but not limited to, advertising banners, texts, pictures, etc. (approved in advance with the Customer) in Uzbek and Russian, taking into account the specifics of the audience.

The PR consultant undertakes to negotiate with representatives of all marketing channels (online and offline) approved in the marketing strategy to place advertising materials agreed with the Customer.

All materials are agreed with the Customer in written form (by e-mail).

Editing of punctuation, spelling characters of text materials after approval by the Customer is allowed with prior oral notification of the Customer.

7. Placement of information materials on Uzbek websites.

Services for the preparation and placement of PR materials on Uzbek Internet media, in the form of detailed information and analytical articles in Uzbek and Russian, taking into account the specifics of the Internet audience (analytical reviews, articles on informational occasions, interviews with Customer representatives and experts, materials on the Customer's activities).

The list of online media for the placement of PR articles should be worked out and approved in the marketing strategy.

All materials are agreed with the Customer in written form (by e-mail).

Editing of punctuation, spelling characters of text materials after approval by the Customer is allowed with prior oral notification of the Customer.

8. Anti-trolling (anti-crisis response to negative materials and comments) and monitoring of results.

Monitoring and ensuring prompt response to negative materials and comments posted on international and domestic information and analytical platforms, including news feeds, blogs, forums, social networks, etc.

Placement of the number of comments per month approved in the marketing strategy in discussions of the People's IPO Program and on other web resources.

9. Organization and conduct of training programs and interviews with the management of the placed Assets.

Organizing and conducting training programs for a wide audience, including online seminars, webinars, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the event) with the participation of traders, brokers, financial analysts, investors, and other professional market participants.

The event includes the development of an event program for participants, information and reference material in a convenient and accessible form, taking into account the orientation to a non-professional audience, in agreement with the Customer in written form (by e-mail).

Total duration of seminars: at least 30 minutes.

Requirements for the lecturer: as trainers, persons involved in the development and/or implementation of the People's IPO Program, representatives of the Customer and/or the issuing company, financial consultants, stock market representatives (experts), investors, analysts, etc. can be involved.

Organization of interviews with the management of the placed Assets as part of a PR campaign. The duties of a PR consultant include planning interviews, including establishing contact with Asset representatives, agreeing on a schedule and meeting place, preparing and coordinating issues, providing the necessary technical support and coordinating with journalists or other participants in the process.

The language of seminars and interviews: Uzbek and/or Russian.

10. Contextual advertising in social media.

Contextual advertising in social media (Facebook, VK, Instagram, Telegram or other social networks approved in the marketing strategy).

11. Attracting influential opinion leaders as part of a marketing campaign.

The PR Consultant must agree with opinion leaders (actors, singers, bloggers, experts and artists) approved in the marketing strategy on various ways of cooperation, such as advertising on their platforms (including social networks, blogs, websites), holding joint events, speaking or mentioning the Assets being placed in interviews and publications.

A PR consultant should work with opinion leaders to create content that effectively conveys information about upcoming IPOs of companies under the "People's IPO" program and their benefits to a wide audience. This content must be agreed with the Customer and comply with the rules and values of opinion leaders.

12. Holding A Road Show.

  • Assistance in determining the main messages and values of the Assets being placed, which need to be emphasized during the Road Show. Develop a communication strategy together with Asset management, identify the target audience and develop suitable tactics to achieve maximum impact.
  • Assistance in the development of a presentation to be used during the Road Show. Work with the issuing company's team to highlight key arguments, advantages and financial indicators that should be included in the presentation, and assist in creating attractive and informative graphs, charts and other visual materials.
  • Establishing and maintaining communication with journalists and media representatives to ensure media coverage of the Road Show. Preparation of press releases and other media materials, planning of press conferences or media briefings and ensuring timely informing of journalists about the date and place of events.
  • Organization and holding of the Road Show, including logistics, venue selection, invitation of participants, schedule coordination and personal support of key representatives of issuing companies.
  • Conducting media trainings for key representatives of issuing companies to prepare them for interviews and speeches at the Road Show. Assistance in developing public speaking skills, working out answers to questions from investors and journalists, and ensuring effective communication from representatives of issuing companies.
  • Tracking investor feedback and reactions to the Road Show and assistance in managing investor communications. Coordination of answers to investors' questions, assistance to the management of issuing companies with maintaining trusting relationships with investors and assistance in creating a positive image of Assets.
  1. Assistance in the development of a physical document that is issued to applicants when paying for an application offline.
  • Providing suggestions and ideas on possible options for a physical document that will be provided to applicants for participation in the IPO of Assets when paying for the application offline.
  • Providing suggestions for the design of the document.
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