Ру Ўз O'z En


10 May 2020

Assessment of regulatory impact of normative legal acts is conducted

The State Assets Management Agency is conducting regulatory impact assessment (RIA) of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from October 16, 2006 № 215 "On measures to ensure effective management of enterprises with state share in the authorized capital and proper accounting of state property".

Within the framework of RIA assesses the impact of the requirements of the regulations on state-owned enterprises, on the internal audit service at the enterprises, on the procedure for transferring into trust management of state stakes (shares) on the performance of these enterprises.

Based on the results of the assessment, there were developed suggestions to amend or cancel the requirements and provisions that did not contribute to the achievement of the planned objectives, were ineffective or inefficient, and the RIA report was published (in uzbek language) on the official website of the State Assets Management Agency.

The RIA report on the above mentioned decree, prepared by the State Assets Management Agency, can be found at the following link:

Link to the Regulatory Impact Assessment Report of the normative-legal act (in the state language)

Suggestions and feedback on this RIA report can be sent to the e-mail address of the State Assets Management Agency research@davaktiv.uz, as well as to the special contact number +99890-186-39-46 (Butaboev Mehriddin).

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