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08 March 2024

Event dedicated to March 8 - International Women's Day

March 8 - International Women's Day - is a sign that the breath of spring has come to our beautiful and unique country. The tradition of honoring women on this day is gaining national significance and rising to a higher level every year.

On March 8 - the Agency for State Assets Management also celebrated International Women's Day and organized a festive event.

Woman has always been a symbol of compassion and loyalty. The notions of human being, family and woman cannot be imagined separately from each other. Those who unite family and society and illuminate our homes with the light of love, grace and goodness are in fact our honored mothers and sisters. When the great sages were searching for the most appropriate definition of homeland, it made sense to compare it to the figure of Mother.

We always remember with respect Tomaris, Bibihanum, Gulbadanbegim, Zebuniso, Nadira, Uvaisiy, Anbar Otin and hundreds of other women who have left an indelible name in the great history of our nation with their courage and tenacity, intelligence, elegance and grace. Another reason for our endless respect for women is that a woman is first and foremost a selfless person, rocking the cradle of every human being, instilling human qualities in her heart, protecting her from the storms of life.

The speakers at the event congratulated the beautiful women and our sisters on the holiday of spring and attire, wished them long life, family happiness, spring mood and recited congratulatory poems dedicated to women.

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