Ру Ўз O'z En


14 February 2024

Event dedicated to the 583th anniversary of the birth of Nizamiddin Mir Alisher Navoi and the 541st anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur

The birthdays of two great representatives of Uzbek classical poetry, the 583th anniversary of the birth of Alisher Navoi, poet and thinker, sultan of ghazals Nizamiddin Mir, and the 541st anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, a great representative of Uzbek classical literature, king and poet, are being widely celebrated at the moment.

In this regard, the State assets management agency held a cultural and educational event on the themes "Navoi - eternal life" and "Babur - historian and statesman", dedicated to the life path and activities of the two great figures.

The event was led by Alisher Miraliyev, Deputy director of UzSAMA, and Feruza Mukhiddinova, Doctor of Law, Professor, member of "Marifat" propaganda society.

As the lecturer noted, science and enlightenment are the force that leads a person to perfection, as well as the development of the state and society. Navoi's creativity inspires to achieve such high goals and gives spiritual power.

All information about Alisher Navoi's creativity and activity is valuable for us as a great scientist who showed the advantages of Turkic language over other languages in the history of our civilization and fully disclosed the rich possibilities of our native language.

Alisher Navoi all his life combined literature and politics. Being a man of high position, he made a great contribution to the socio-economic improvement of the country's life, promoted the development of science, art, always tried to ensure the rule of peace and harmony.

Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur along with political history, science, culture, traditions of different regions and provinces, countries and cities, was actively interested in their nature, economy, geographical position, borders, pastures, mountains and gorges, lakes and rivers, various plants, fruits, fauna, underground and above-ground wealth, language, trade. He described all this in his encyclopedic work - "Babur-name".

At the end of the discussion-packed event, the State Assets Agency held a brainstorming game to test the morale of its employees. The game was held in the form of an interesting question and answer competition, 3 winners were determined and given memorable gifts.

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