Ру Ўз O'z En


31 August 2023

Launched service of issuing a qualification certificate to court administrators via portal my.gov.uz

In accordance with the regulation on the procedure for certification (re-certification) of court administrators and issuance of qualification certificate, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.765 dated 12 September 2019, the service of certification (re-certification) of court administrators and issuance of qualification certificate through Public Service Centers under the Ministry of Justice and the Unified Portal of Interactive Public Services (hereinafter - UPIPS) my.gov.uz.

The amount of the fee payable when submitting applications for certification (recertification) of court administrators and issuance of qualification certificates through the State Service Centres is UZS 330,000 (a single amount of BCA), when submitted through UPIPS - UZS 297,000 (0.9 BCA).

Applications of court managers are considered within 3 working days.

Certificates of all categories are valid for 5 years.

This service is fully digital and the following documents are requested independently from state organisations (not from the user) through the interagency integration platform of the Digital Government system. In particular:

  1. Certificate of nostrification of a diploma obtained in a foreign educational institution;
  2. Certificate of completion of a training course for a court administrator;
  3. Licence of a lawyer in civil and economic cases.
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