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02 March 2023

Provided a number of benefits to business entities

According to the Presidential Decree №PD-43 "On measures to support business entities to reduce the negative impact on the economy of a sudden decrease of air temperature", business entities are provided with a number of benefits to support and accelerate the recovery of their activities, faced with difficulties due to a sudden decrease of air temperature in the current winter period.

Specifically, the document establishes:

  1. Suspending until April 1, 2023, the accrual of interest and penalties on unpaid payments, including the down payment payable in December 2022 and January 2023, on state assets purchased by business entities with the condition of installment payments.
  2. For business entities that leased state assets:
    • It is allowed to pay the December 2022 and January-February 2023 lease payments in equal installments from March 1 to July 1, 2023, while penalties for nonpayment of the December 2022 and January-February 2023 payments are suspended.
    • An opportunity has been created to leave unchanged until April 1, 2023 the amount of lease payments for the use of state property under lease agreements in force since 2022.

At the same time, it is reported that in order to use the above benefits, entrepreneurs can apply to the subordinate organizations of the State Assets Management Agency, which entered into a contractual relationship with entrepreneurs for the purchase and sale or lease of state assets.

Contact information:

The State Assets Management Agency

SUE "Center for organization of electronic online auctions"

Center for organization of effective use of empty facilities

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