Ру Ўз O'z En


03 April 2020

The draft law "On making additions to the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan in relation to strengthening of responsibility for violations of legislation in the sphere of lease of state property" was adopted by the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis

The draft Law "On making additions to the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan in relation to strengthening of responsibility for violations of legislation in the sphere of lease of state property" developed by UzSAMA was adopted in the 2nd reading by the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis and sent to the Senate.

The Code of administrative responsibility was supplemented with article  2158 (Violation of legislation in the sphere of lease of state property) and for leasing out state property without signing a lease agreement, unreasonable obstruction of the lessee in accepting leased out state property, entering the territory of the object and its use or violation of legislation when leasing out this property by misrepresenting in the lease agreement the parameters and quantity of leased out state property is stipulated in article 2158.

  • Officials are fined from 5 to 10 times the basic calculation value;
  • if the same offence is committed repeatedly within a year after the application of an administrative punishment, a fine of 10 to 15 times the basic calculation value is imposed.

In turn, the adoption of the Law is designed to prevent violations of the procedure for leasing out state property and to reliably protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of tenants.

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