Ру Ўз O'z En


26 August 2022

The Ministry of water resources announced a tender for the transfer of the state share in the authorized capital of the limited liability company "Aidar-Arnasay lakes system" to the trust management

The Ministry of water resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan announces a tender for the transfer of the state share in the authorized capital of LLC "Aidar-Arnasay lakes system" to the trust management.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to improve the management of the Aidar-Arnasay lake system" dated 22.02.2022 No. PD-141 and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to organize the management of the Aidar-Arnasay lake system" dated 26.03.2022 No. 136, on September 8, 2022 a tender will be held on the transfer of LLC "Aidar-Arnasay lake system" for the trust management of a domestic investor who has experience in breeding unique fish species and has fish processing technologies, on a competitive basis with the condition of making investments in accordance with the established procedure and stocking reservoirs.

Address: 11, Karasu - 4, Mirzo-Ulugbek district, Tashkent, 100187, e-mail devonxona@minwater.uz

Phone numbers for inquiries: 71-202-47-64, 97-484-40-12

You can get additional information by clicking on the link.

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