Ру Ўз O'z En


06 May 2022

The State Assets Management Agency has published an analysis of the financial statements of enterprises with state participation

Currently the number of enterprises with state participation is 2,117 (227-JSC, 1,075-LLC, 815-SUE), of which 347 have been sold on installment terms. These are non-functioning or liquidated enterprises. More than 70 ministries and agencies and local khokimiyats perform the function of shareholder (participant, founder) on behalf of the state in these enterprises.

In order to analyze and control the activities of enterprises with state participation, to ensure the openness and transparency of their activities, the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers № 674 dated 30 October 2020 was made to place the main financial and economic indicators of enterprises on the website of UzSAMA.

In addition, in order to summarize and synchronize the financial statements of enterprises with state participation, UzSAMA has established an electronic exchange of information with the relevant authorities.

Accordingly, the analysis of financial statements for 2021 resulted in a list of 20 companies with the largest net profit, 20 companies with the largest losses and 10 companies with the largest paid dividends (including interim dividends and debts of past years) for the state share.

Undoubtedly, the company with the largest net profit and dividends was “Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine” SE, and the company with the largest losses was “Uztransgaz” JSC (last year, Uztransgaz JSC was also considered the company with the largest losses).

Detailed information about enterprises with state participation and their activities can be found at the official website of UzSAMA.

Reminder, UzSAMA also announced the Top 20 companies with the largest net profit and the Top 20 companies with the largest losses at the end of 2020.

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