Ру Ўз O'z En


05 September 2023

The State Assets Management Agency moved up 6 positions and ranked second among state authorities in the digital transformation rating

According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 373, adopted on 15 June 2021, "On measures for further improvement of the rating system of the state of digital economy and e-government development", through a special system NIS.UZ in the state and economic administration bodies at the end of every three months will be conducted rating assessment of the digital transformation condition and its results will be critically discussed at the meetings of the coordination commission for the implementation of the strategy "Digital Uzbekistan-2030".

According to the above order, 43 state bodies, 38 economic bodies and 14 local khokimiyats were included in the process of rating the digital transformation condition at the end of the first half of 2023: a total of 95 state organisations were covered.

The rating work was carried out in 5 areas:

  • Openness and e-participation;
  • Electronic public services;
  • Information security;
  • Digitalisation of activities;
  • Organisational issues.

According to the results of the assessment, with 86.5 percent on the Openness and e-Participation Index, 94.6 percent on the Information Security Index, 100 percent on the Digitalisation of activities Index and 96.7 percent on Organisational issues, UzSAMA ranked second among state bodies with an overall average of 92.17 percent.

In particular, in the first half of 2023, UzSAMA carried out the following activities in the field of digitalisation, openness and information security of public services:

1. The traditional 5 public services provided by UzSAMA have been fully digitalised and now these services are provided through the Unified portal of interactive public services (my.gov.uz) and Public service centres.

2 UzSAMA has developed and implemented a new automated information system "Yerxususiylashtirish". Individuals and legal entities have the opportunity to privatise their non-agricultural land plots remotely. This service can be obtained by submitting an application remotely through the Unified portal of interactive public services (my.gov.uz) or any Public service centres and receiving an order and a copy of the privatisation, confirming it with an electronic digital signature (QR code). All these processes are fully digitalised and the human factor is limited.

3. In accordance with the instruction of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 4 information systems have been developed and introduced into practice. Also in the system of UzSAMA "Edo.ijro.uz" - the Unified electronic document management system, as well as the national messenger "HUMO" have been introduced into practice.

4. The information system "State Property" of UzSAMA is integrated with the information systems of 9 ministries and agencies.

5. In order to ensure the implementation of the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 16 June 2021 № PF-6247, the open information from the responsible structural subdivisions is summarised, and the information on the official website of UzSAMA (davaktiv.uz) and the Open Data Portal is updated in due time.

6. Information security objects of UzSAMA, the official website (davaktiv.uz) and all existing information systems are examined for compliance with information and cyber security requirements, as well as licensed software products were implemented.

7. One of the deputy directors of UzSAMA has been appointed Deputy Director for Digitalisation (Chief Digital Officer). A separate department for the implementation and digitalisation of information and communication technologies has been established in the organisational structure of UzSAMA. All employees of the department have upgraded their qualifications in the field of information technology and cyber security and received the relevant certificates and international IT certificates.

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