Ру Ўз O'z En


18 August 2022

Roadshow was held in Khorezm

The State Assets Management Agency on August 13 this year held a regular "Roadshow" presentation of privatized state assets in Khorezm province, particularly state shares in enterprises, empty state facilities and land plots to be sold.

The event, held in the building of the "Youth Center" of Urgench city, was attended by representatives of local khokimiyats, large enterprises in the region, as well as more than 200 entrepreneurs. Representatives of the State Assets Agency provided a "master class" on the use of the electronic trading platform "E-auksion" and explained in detail, both theoretically and practically, the procedures for creating a personal account on the platform, obtaining an electronic signature online and participation in the bidding.

As part of the "Roadshow", entrepreneurs were introduced to 78 state assets and 3,464 land plots offered for public auction, as well as 206 state facilities proposed for lease.

In addition, citizens who had previously privatized non-agricultural land plots owned by them on the right of permanent use or lifetime possession were handed state orders confirming their ownership rights, and the other participants of the event were given explanations on the procedure of this process. 

The participants of the “Roadshow” were familiarized with state assets offered and planned to be sold at the public sales in accordance with the privatization programs, in particular with large assets, administrative and industrial buildings, and land plots.


The “Roadshow” was held at a high level, full of questions and answers. During the event, Deputy director of the UzSAMA Bekzod Usmonov and other responsible regional executives answered a number of questions from participants and media representatives. 

It should be noted that the current event is planned to be held in all cities and districts of the region.

For reference: such presentations and meetings (Roadshow) will be held in all provinces of the country, including Tashkent city and the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

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