Ру Ўз O'z En


02 August 2023

Information on the processes of organising "National IPO"

As previously reported, according to the relevant privatization programs, the international company "KPMG" was attracted as a Strategic Consultant for the organization of "National IPO" on the principle of "one share - one lot".

In cooperation with the Strategic Consultant, the detailed criteria and action plan for the preparation of enterprises for the sale of their shares through the "National IPO" were developed, including the development of technical terms to attract a PR-consulting company to conduct marketing activities to convey to the broad public the essence of the "National IPO" and companies-underwriters to provide investment intermediation services. For this purpose, on the official website and social networks of the State Assets Management Agency published:

  • according to the announcement published on June 23 of this year, a consortium of Mosaic Financial and Lightman PR was attracted as a result of a competitive selection process to attract a leading PR consulting company to organize complex information and educational activities;
  • according to the announcement published on June 29 of the current year, as a result of a competitive selection process to attract underwriting companies, 6 investment intermediaries (Freedom Finance, consortium of Dalal Standard, Winvestment Consult and KRESTON, consortium of Kapital-Depozit, Satori IB Group and Satori Capital, consortium Alkes Research, Bluestone Financial Group Inc and JSCB Kapitalbank, consortium Abrau Capital and Premier Capital Sweden, consortium Portfolio Investments, JSC Uzmilliybank and JSCB Uzpromstroibank) were included in the list of potential underwriters (the "Winners List"), with whom the Master Agreement was signed. At the same time, upon agreement with the Strategic Consultant, one or more underwriters included in the "Winners List" will be attached to the individual companies participating in the "National IPO" through separate agreements.

Further, in cooperation with the attracted PR-consulting company, the following will be carried out:

  • preparation of an optimal marketing strategy, including appropriate marketing tools and methods, as well as marketing materials (leaflets, booklets, banners, memoranda, photo-video clips, etc.);
  • conducting subscription campaigns ("Roadshow") in all regions of our country to convey the essence of the "National IPO" to the broader public;
  • preparation of analytical information on financial, economic and business activities of the enterprises offered for sale according to the "National IPO".

Attracted potential underwriters will be involved in:

  • preparation of necessary documents for trading in shares and organization of the "National IPO", in accordance with the current legislation;
  • development of a business plan/strategy and equity story of the companies to be offered for sale on the basis of the "National IPO";
  • accepting applications from potential investors for standard bookrunner services, including the purchase of securities to be offered, maintaining a consolidated register of applications and organizing the "National IPO" of shares.

For the successful organization of the "National IPO", it is planned to conduct the following activities in cooperation with professional organizations attracted by the State Assets Management Agency:

  • creating the possibility of accepting applications on the "E-auksion" platform online 24/7 for the purchase of shares to be privatized through the "National IPO";
  • cooperation with commercial banks as an investment intermediary and creation of conditions for online participation in the "National IPO" through their mobile applications, including integration with the "E-auksion" platform;
  • creating the possibility of online participation in the "National IPO" through mobile applications of electronic online payment systems;
  • establishment of interaction on acceptance of applications for participation in the "National IPO" through the infrastructure of territorial ( regional and district) branches (post offices and communication offices) of JSC "Uzbekistan Pochtasi".

As a reminder, in order to create an opportunity for all segments of the population to participate in the "National IPO" on the principle of "one share - one lot", it will be used existing capabilities of the platform "E-auksion", which has succeeded to become popular among the population and convenient for users, and through this platform will be accepted applications of all residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan (individuals and legal entities) interested in the process. At the same time, through the platform online 24/7:

  • identification of applicants (ERI, One ID and Mobile-ID);
  • selecting a professional broker and concluding an agreement with him;
  • opening a deposit account (account for shares/bonds);
  • creation of a facility for accepting purchase applications online.

Applicants' rights to purchase shares are guaranteed through the Escrow system on the platform. Payments and settlements are made through the platform's billing system without human factor.

After the implementation of relevant activities planned by the State Assets Management Agency, based on the principles of openness and transparency, additional information on further processes will be provided to the broader public.

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