Ру Ўз O'z En


18 October 2023

Organized cultural and educational event to celebrate the Day of Uzbek Language

All personnel of the State Assets Management Agency system were included in the spiritual and educational event, on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of Uzbek language being given the state status and 21 October - Uzbek Language Day.

Rohila Abdullayeva, Doctor of philological sciences, Head of the Department of the Alisher Navoi University of uzbek language and literature, and Yulduz Abduhakimova, Doctor of philological sciences, senior lecturer of the university, also took part in the spiritual-educational event with their speeches.

Language is the beginning of life! Language is the soul of every nation! It was emphasised that the Uzbek language, which is an invaluable product of centuries-old cultural, scientific, educational and artistic thinking and intellectual potential of our nation, is one of the richest and oldest languages of the world. As the State develops, so does the State language. The main sign of a nation's independence is its mother tongue and national culture. All countries of the world strive to preserve their mother tongues, therefore it was emphasised that any country should treat its cultural heritage and mother tongue with special respect.

The speakers also covered the topics "History of the Uzbek language and stages of its development", "Further strengthening of the influence of the Uzbek language in our country", "Development of the state language, organisation of work in ministries and departments in the state language".

At the event, the questions posed by the employees were answered with practical examples.

At the end of the spiritual-educational event, the guests were presented with memorable gifts from the State Assets Management Agency.

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