Ру Ўз O'z En


16 November 2023

The qualification certificate of several appraisers has been prematurely terminated

The necessary legislative and regulatory framework for appraisal activities in the republic was formed, the system of issuing appraiser's qualification certificate was significantly simplified and the procedure for obtaining a license was canceled.

At the same time, the practical activities of appraisal organizations do not meet the growing modern requirements. Appraisal work in a number of cases is carried out at a perfunctory and low professional level, the necessary level of responsibility of appraisal organizations for the quality of services provided and determination of the real market value of privatized objects and shares is not provided.

As a result, a number of state assets put up for sale in the regions remain unsold and/or are sold only after price reduction.

On the part of the State Assets Management Agency, with the participation of professional public associations of appraisal organizations and appraisers, on the basis of a sample were reviewed and analyzed appraisal reports of objects in Surkhandarya region.

In turn, professional public associations of appraisal organizations provided relevant explanations to their members on the responsibility of appraisal organizations for professional conduct of appraisal works and quality of services provided.

According to the above-mentioned and conducted analysis, in accordance with the order of the State Assets Management Agency dated November 13, 2023, the qualification certificates of the following appraisers were terminated prematurely on their own requests and these appraisers were excluded from the register of appraisers:



Full name of the appraiser having a qualification certificate

Name of the appraisal organisation where the appraiser works

Number and date of issue of the appraiser's certificate of qualification

Public association of the organisation of which the appraiser is a member


Yuldoshev Rustam

“Surxondaryo baholash va konsalting markazi” LLC
(Surkhandarya region)

0072, issued on 14.10.2019

Association of valuation organisations


Abdullayev Olim Shaydullayevich

“Termiz Asl Baho” LLC
(Surkhandarya region)

1217, issued on 29.07.2021


Vakhobov Abdurasul Ziyotovich

“Denov–holis baho” LLC
(Surkhandarya region)

0226, issued on 27.07.2019


Turayev Ravshan Mamaziyayevich

“Sifat baholash” LLC
(Surkhandarya region)

0961, issued on 17.09.2021


As previously reported, due to the same circumstances, 7 appraisers in Kashkadarya region had their qualification certificates prematurely terminated and were excluded from the register of appraisers.

At the same time, in order to further improve the conditions for the development of the market of appraisal services, increase the importance of services of appraisal organizations, increase responsibility for the results and objectivity of the conducted appraisal work, and thereby increase confidence in them on the part of business structures:

  • Based on the recommendations of the international consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) the "Unified National Valuation Standard of the Republic of Uzbekistan" has been developed in a new edition, providing a unified approach and accounting for market conditions based on the principles of international valuation standards, and is currently undergoing state registration at the Ministry of Justice;
  • Based on the study of the best international experience in the field of appraisal, the draft Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Appraisal Activity" in a new edition has been developed, which provides for the improvement of self-government mechanisms and law enforcement practice in the field of appraisal activity.
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