The State Assets Management Agency published announcements on 8 August of this year on the beginning of the Express of Interest stage to purchase 100% of the state share in the authorized capital of "UZPAYNET" LLC, also on 4 October of this year on the beginning of the non-binding offer stage (NBO) for purchase of the state share.
As previously reported, a consortium of companies ABRAU CAPITAL and CENTIL was attracted as a privatization consultant in this process.
In connection with the circumstances, occurred in the process of due diligence of the Company, requiring additional clarification in the privatization process of 100% state share in the authorized capital of "UZPAYNET" LLC, the acceptance of non-binding offers (NBO) of applicants is postponed.
The privatization consultant will send individual Process Letter to all applicants participating in this stage of the sale processes.
The State Assets Agency is undertaking all necessary measures to ensure transparency, openness and equal competitive environment of the privatization process and provides information on each of its stages.
Note: In the previously published announcements for this sale process, it is noted that the State Assets Management Agency and its consultant reserve the right to change the timeframes and/or terminate the sale process.